Pay fees by clicking on the DONATE button. Use the drop-down list and select PAY FEES.

Contributions are the Boosters' BEST FUNDRAISER. 100% percent of your contribution goes to the band's operating budget. The DSF Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, so your contribution is fully tax-deductible. Contributors will be noted in our programs for the Winter and Spring concerts.  Donations are accepted online at the link on this site; choose Donation in the pull-down menu. Donations can also be made by mailing a check to Freeman High School at 8701 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, VA, 23229.


Boosters also benefits from partnerships with Kroger and Amazon.

Kroger Card:  Register online at Sign in with your card (free from Kroger customer service) and designate DSF HS Band Boosters as the beneficiary. Our organization number is 84908. Scan your card every time you shop!   Once registered, Boosters will receive a percentage of all your Kroger purchases.

Regular fundraisers

Spirit Table:  We sell Krispy Kreme Donuts and a variety of DSF spirit items at home football games.

Brunswick Stew: The stew sale is the Boosters' signature fall fundraiser, usually occurring in October. More information will be posted on this site as the date approaches.

Rhythm & Brew Coffee: In 2019, we partnered with Two Labs Coffee, owned by a DSF grad. Coffee will be available through online ordering with set pick-up times.

Pay Fees or

Make a Donation

using the Donate Button

Sign in to Google Groups with your email. In the box at the top, enter "DSF Band Boosters." To join the group, click Join group or Apply. After you’ve joined, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have questions or difficulties, email


Freeman Band Boosters Mission 

The Douglas Freeman Band Booster organization operates solely to support instrumental music students at DSF -- both band and orchestra -- and the Color Guard. The Boosters raise money to support expenses not covered by Freeman High School or the Henrico County Public School System.  Band Booster fundraising benefits every participating student through the purchase of items such as musical instruments and repairs, equipment, sheet music, district assessments, uniforms, field show designs, and all costs associated with competitions, football games, and performances. Booster members assist the band director in the supervision of students and the logistics of competitions and performances.  The Boosters are a valuable resource and aid to the success of your student's music program: participation from all parents/guardians is essential.

​​Douglas S. Freeman High School Bands

Rob Blankenship, Director